Sudanese Warm Date Pudding

Sudanese Warm Date Pudding

We had this delicious warm Warm Date Pudding at a Sudanese restaurant in Brighton, England 14 years ago and it has been on my mind ever since!

Make this and store in fridge for use as a sweet addition to anything from yoghurt to adding into a sauce for chicken…etc.  It’s delicious and packed with nutrition.

3 cups stoned dates (un-pitted)

in a pot covered with water

cardamom and cinnamon to taste


whipping cream

Wash dates, put in pot and cover with water
Boil till dates are tender
cool then process (easy with a hand blender)
pour into bowls
melt butter, mix into bowls

mix a bit of whipping cream (heavy cream) int the bowls as well

voilà, delicious