Quotes and Sayings

Jolies citations et brins de poésie

” ”Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” – Carl Sagan

“Our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: 1) stop us in our tracks or 2) force us to get creative.” ~ Amy Purdy

“It always seems impossible, until it’s done ” ~ Nelson Mandela

” There are no silly questions” ~ KN Sim

” Fight against something and we focus on the thing we hate. Fight for something and we focus on the thing we love.” ~ Simon Sinek

” The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek” ~ Joseph Campbell

” There are centuries of answers needing to be questioned” ~ Liane de Lotbinière

” Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.” ~ David Bowie

” Life intimidates art” ~ Liane de Lotbinière

“How much noble dignity and frankness goes with great genius” ~ Franz Xavier Niemetschek 1798

“Just as many notes, your highness as is necessary” ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

“You’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try.” ~Dolly Parton

“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.” ~Albert Einstein

“The best form of flattery is to master the art of listening.” – Chinese proverb

“Not advertising to save money is like stopping the clock to save time” - Henry Ford

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” -  Dr. Seuss

“Admit to your contentment so it can tip over into joy.” ~ Danelle LaPorte

“In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity” – Albert Einstein

“Fame gets you in the door, it doesn’t keep you in the room” – Madonna

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, 

it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

“Never mistake motion for action.”- Ernest Hemingway

“Real power is measured by how much you can let things be.” – Henry David Thoreau

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”-  Winston Churchill

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work” – Thomas Edison

“Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”- Unknown

“When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that’s my religion.” 
- Abraham Lincoln

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”  - Eleanor Roosevelt

“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring.” – Oscar Wilde

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

“Lower your voice and strengthen your argument.” - Lebanese Proverb

“Build your world around your dreams rather than trying to fit your dreams into the world you know.” - Alan Cohen

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” – Henry Van Dyke

“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.” -  Unknown

“Living with doubt… is almost always more profitable than living with certainty.  People don’t like doubt, so they pay money and give up opportunities to avoid it. Entrepreneurship is largely about living with doubt, as is creating just about any sort of art. If you need reassurance, you’re giving up quite a bit to get it.

On the other hand, if you can get in the habit of seeking out uncertainty, you’ll have developed a great instinct.” – Seth Godin

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -  Albert Einstein

“The hours that make us happy make us wise.” -  John Masefield

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” ~ Albert Einstein

“Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” - Henry Van Dyke

“You won’t be happy anywhere until you’re happy somewhere.” - Alan Cohen

“I guess you are kind of curious as to who I am,
 but I am one of those who do not have a regular
 name. My name depends on you. Just call me 
whatever is in your mind.

If you are thinking about something that 
happened a long time ago: Somebody asked 
you a question and you did not know the 
 That is my name.

Perhaps it was raining very hard.
 That is my name.

Or somebody wanted you to do something.
 You did it. Then they told you what you did was 
wrong— “Sorry for the mistake”—and you had 
to do something else.
 That is my name.

Perhaps it was a game that you played when
 you were a child or something that came idly 
into your mind when you were old and sitting
 in a chair near the window. 
That is my name.

Or you walked some place. There were flowers 
all around.
 That is my name.

Perhaps you stared into a river. There was 
somebody near you who loved you. They were 
about to touch you. You could feel this before 
it happened. Then it happened.
 That is my name.

Or you heard someone calling from a great 
distance. Their voice was almost an echo.
 That is my name.

Perhaps you were lying in a bed, almost ready
 to go to sleep and you laughed at something, a 
joke unto yourself, a good way to end the day.
 That is my name.

Or you were eating something good and for
 a second forgot what you were eating, but still went on, knowing it was good.
 That is my name.

Perhaps it was around midnight and the fire 
tolled like a bell inside the stove.
 That is my name.

Or you felt bad when she said that thing to
 you. She could have told someone else:
Someone who was more familiar with her
 That is my name.

Perhaps the trout swam in the pool, but the
 river was only eight inches wide, and the moon
shone on DEATH and the watermelon fields
 glowed out of proportion, dark, and the moon 
seemed to rise from every plant.
 That is my name.”   In Watermelon Sugar 
- Richard Brautigan
- 1968

One option is to struggle to be heard whenever you’re in the room…Another is to be the sort of person who is missed when you’re not.  The first involves making noise. The second involves making a difference.” – Seth Godin

“A happy ending is always possible if you are willing to keep the story moving to get there.” - Alan Cohen

“Only those who dare to go too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot

“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Jolies citations et brins de poésie

“Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire. La nature est belle, protégeons la…” – Inconnu

“ Qui mal entend, mal répond. ”

“Les gouts ne sont pas à distinguer” – Simone O’Connell

“J’ai dans les bottes des montagnes de questions où subsiste encore ton égo…” Alain Baschung

“On ne fait rien de grand sans le fanatisme.” -  Gustave Flaubert

“Il y a deux sortes de temps : y a le temps qui attend et le temps qui espère.” - Jacques Brel

“Les coeurs des femmes sont comme ces petits meubles à secret, pleins detiroirs emboîtés les uns dans les autres.” -  Gustave Flaubert

“La mesure de l’amour est d’aimer sans mesure.” – Inconnu

“Il parait que le ciel et la terre vont se marier.  Avant L’aube le fiancé sur sa fille a jeté son voile de mousse lentement et sans bruit pour ne pas l’éveiller.

Elle sommeille encore très tôt, mais déjà exaltés, impatients d’aller à la noce les arbres ont mis leurs gants par milliers et les maisons leurs chapeaux blancs.” – Gisèle Prassinos

Bestiaire des animaux à l’aise dans leur peau:

“Très oiseaux les oiseaux sont très sûrs d’être oiseauxL’écureuil sait très bien son métier d’écureuilLes chevaux dans leur peau de cheval sont chevauxLe lézard sait par coeur l’art de vivre en lézardLa fourrure du chat tient le chat tout entierLe renard est renard tout le long de l’annéeLe poisson est dans l’eau comme un poisson dans l’eau

Mais moi je m’évapore et me perds et me trouveet ne suis jamais sûr d’être ce que je suis.” - Claude ROY

Le Crocodile:

“Le crocodile n’a qu’une idée 

il voudrait dévorer Odile

qui habite près de son domicile

elle est tendre et dodue à souhait

Le crocodile est obsédé

“ça devrait pas être difficile,

pense-t-il,d’attraper cette fille”

(il emploie la méthode Coué)

Mais Odile qui n’est pas sotte

ne s’approche pas de la flotte

elle se promène sur la grève

mangeant des beignets de banane au mil

et c’est seulement dans ses rêves

que le crocodile croque Odile.” - Jacques Roubaud 


“Il y en a qui ont le coeur si large qu’on y rentre sans frapper. Il y en a qui ont le coeur si frêle qu’on le brise d’un doigt.” – Jacques Brel

Chacun ses qualités, chacun ses défauts.” – Inconnu, Proverbe du Québec